You must accept this conditions:
- Access is restricted to adults.
- No underage: images, videos or stories that include minors are not allowed. If an image contains an adult in a cast accompanied by a minor who is not in a cast, edit the image to remove the minor before posting.
- Any content that are hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable is not allowed.
- Offensive language is not allowed. If you publish content with offensive language it will be edited or deleted.
- Images must be classified correctly. If an image is not correctly classified, may be reclassified by an administrator.
- No content from other caster pay sites is allowed without authorization. If you are the site owner and wish to promote your site, you can publish your images and links to your site.
We reserve the right to modify this Terms and Conditions. We will try to notify you when we change this Terms and Conditions, but it's not guaranteed, so you must review these Terms and Conditions periodically.
You accept that this service could be terminated without notice. Also, the content you post could be partially or completely deleted accidentally. You must have a copy of the content that you post on this site.
If you violate these Terms and Conditions we reserve the right to terminate your user account.